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Keith Lemna, Msgr. Michael Heintz and Larry Chapp discuss Louis Bouyer
Prominent VATICAN II Theologian Louis Bouyer (w/ Dr. Keith Lemna)
Larry Chapp Interviews Source of All Hope Missionaries
Father John Eckert discusses the modern priesthood with Larry Chapp
Larry Chapp Interviews Eduardo Echeverria On Vatican II
David Bentley Hart interviewed by Larry Chapp
Larry Chapp interviews Aaron Riches and Andrew Jaeger
Larry Chapp interviews Lewis Ayres on the development of doctrine
Louis Bouyer, son œuvre et son héritage
Bishop Robert Barron interviewed by Dr. Larry Chapp
Dr. Larry Chapp, Dr. Matthew Levering, and Dr. Matthew Minerd: Neo-Scholasticism and Ressourcement
Intellectual Formation Conference